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whining and something I love

Happy soggy dark gray Monday night! I actually had to put a pair of socks on tonight! Not a transition I make easily - but, sigh, it is changing and I am being forced into the coming Fall season.  I took a leather jacket with me to the coast for the weekend - a light sweater would have been more then enough just a few weeks ago.  Boots, leather jacket and a large warm turtle neck sweater.  Okay enough of my whining.....

I actually have something I like very much to share with you - about six months ago I bought a pair of rubber garden gloves to use in the studio - you know the kind? they have rubber fingers and cloth stuff for the rest of the glove?, well the picture below shows better then I describe.....

very well used garden gloves

okay so anyway, when I put them on for the first time to paint I thought, 'NO WAY!!' - they were clumsy and awkward.  But I blundered through the first day.  The second day, still awkward and clumsy.  Don't ask me why I kept putting them on but I did! and I'm so glad I did.  After about a week I didn't even know the difference.  They have become one of my favorite tools...I can dip my finger/fingers into anything and spread it on my surfaces.  They blend things beautifully, I can stick my finger right into my walnut oil then into my paint and create wonderful things - something about the rubber surface - and I'm not throwing away a pair of plastic gloves everytime I work.  Anyway, thought you would like to know.  

The next pic is the finished work in progress from the last post - it was the first pic in that post....

oil and cold wax on panel, 40x30, 'Absence'
Hope this finds you all doing that creative thing and loving it!! See you all later in the week!

ps - don't know how the header pic got so big - it's the way it used to be in the beginning of my blogging days - I'll just say 'thank you' and move on
< >

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