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too much of me......

Do you ever reach a point where you are just totally over yourself?!!  Where you don't want to hear another single word spew from your mouth?!! If you hear yourself say 'I' or 'me' one more time you might be sick?!1 Yah?!! Me Too!! It just seems it's been a run of talking about myself and my work for way too long.  Down time right now is far and few between, so it really felt wonderful to enter my studio, close the door and just be quiet and let the work talk for awhile.  AAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh.........

For my money, the work is always way more interesting.  It presents itself, good or bad or on the mark or so far off, but always rewarding!! I have nothing earthshaking to share - just grabbing work time when I can.  I'll share a piece that is almost finished - it was too wet to give it a last coat, but it's all there but the finishing touches......

oil and wax on panel, 24x24, 'Her PHD Justified'

The leaves are almost all off the trees, the sky is pretty gray most days and the rain has returned - pretty much deep into Fall.  See you all back here very soon!!
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