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NPR's World Cafe Explores Pittsburgh's Music Scene Dec 11

Gotta admit to not listening to The World Cafe since the mid 1990's. Always amazed at how tame, and boring a show aledgedly committed to the vast diversity of music can be.

Not expecting hard hitting Hip-Hop, Thrash Metal, Punk or even serious contemporary classical music to be explored.

From The Post Gazette

• A live interview and performance session with Donora, recently recorded at WYEP.
• WYEP Morning Mix host Cindy Howes talking about Pittsburgh and playing her top five new local bands.
 • A  chat with Jerry Weber of the legendary Jerry's Records
• Renowned soul singer Billy Price selecting his top five classic Pittsburgh songs.
• An archived World Cafe performance by Rusted Root.
• And Pittsburgh music selections chosen by Dye.
World Cafe is nationally syndicated to more than 225 radio stations by NPR. It airs on WYEP at 6 p.m.
Why not contact The Roboto Project, Brillo Box, Justin Strong (Of The Shadow Lounge)  or at least  a host or two from WRCT?
The good thing is Pittsburgh certainly has enough going on to fill several interesting shows.
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