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mylar......and other bits

I've been wandering around in my studio working on all kinds of things – none of which are related to oil and cold wax on panels.  Mylar – all of a sudden it seemed very important to work on this plastic surface again – I messed around with it a couple of years ago and enjoyed the experience and for whatever reasons unknown to me at this time, I was compelled to drag my last pieces to the studio and paint on them for the past week.  Nothing exceptional happened, I just worked – I made prints off the wet oil paint using thin tissue paper and then pulling it off – also I layed some of them on a panel and it left really interesting etching like marks – then I tore some of them up and did some wall collaging – I layered them, pieced them together, moved them around the floor and walls in all kinds of patterns – tomorrow I'm going to mix a bit of resin and do a bit of assemblage with them, or something akin to that – They've been hanging in my windows to see how the light comes through, taped to finished oil and cold wax pieces to see what might happen and on and on it goes.  Below are a few pictures to give you a sense of some of the work…….

three pieces hung together on the wall.  to the right you can see one hanging in my window

the beginning of the wall collage

random pieces assembled together

another random assembled pieces
this will continue for a few more days and then I'll be back painting, or at least I think that's how it will go……..the piece below I finished before the mylar incident.
oil and cold wax on panel, 40×30, Clocks, Clouds and Gingerbread
Will be back here later in the week.  Make a an epic one!!

mylar......and other bits.
< >

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